Indie Hops Oregon Bred

Co-founders Roger Worthington and Jim Solberg got together over beers in October 2008 and decided to explore opportunities for Oregon-grown hops in the craft beer market. 

We’ll spare you another “two friends get together over beers and have this brilliant idea” story. Most of it anyway. The fact is, co-founders Roger Worthington and Jim Solberg got together over beers in October 2008 and decided to explore opportunities for Oregon-grown hops in the craft beer market. Times were changing: Anheuser-Busch was being taken over by Inbev, meaning 75% of Oregon’s hop crop (Willamette variety grown for A-B) was at risk. And we were believers in the future of craft beer.

Find out more about Strata® Hops 

#BrewCraic - Growing & Brewing with Strata® Hops

In this episode of #BrewCraic we will be chatting to Brian Dickson from Northern Monk Brewery in the UK and Jim Solberg from Indie Hops in Oregon, US We will be discussing the hop variety that is taking the brewing industry by storm… Strata®! Amongst some other interesting material.

Want to try Indie Hops?

Simply fill out our new customer form or contact us…

Want to Learn More About Hop Contracting?


Are you willing to take a risk on something as important to your beer as hops? Head over to our UK site to read our Ultimate Guide to Hop Contracting to learn more about the benefits of hop contracting, with top tips and advice on which varieties to contract, plus the common hop contracting mistakes to avoid. 


Check out The Ultimate Guide to Hop Contracting here